My whirlwind trip to Roanoke, VA for Sinful Signings 2024 is officially over. While I'd have loved to stay a little longer, it's back to reality! For now, I'm safely home in Michigan and busy catching up with everything I didn't do over the weekend. That means restocking books (because I sold out of Wicked Little Rabbit and The Ruin at Sinful Signings!), managing finances (because I bought WAY too many books while I was away), and general household maintenance. Yay! (Sarcasm) I think I have an event hangover.
Here are just a few pictures from Sinful Signings! You can find the rest on my Facebook author page!
However, I won't be staying home for long! The 2024 book tour resumes in October. I've got places to be and readers to visit!
Next month, I'll be joining tons of talented authors, narrators, vendors, and influencers at the Books and Bourbon Spooky Soiree in Bardstown, KY. This is the first year for Books and Bourbon, and I'm super excited to be part of the crew. We'll kick things off with ghost and distillery tours on Friday, then have the signing and masquerade ball on Saturday! It's going to be so much fun.

There are still general admission tickets available if you haven't snagged yours yet. All you have to do is follow this link. I hope to see you there! You won't want to miss this.
Oh, and I also still have pre-orders open for now. I'm not bringing as many books with me because this event is out of state, so if you want something specific, you should grab it while you can! (I've noticed the Wicked Little Rabbit SE's disappear fast!) I don't want you to miss out on your chance.
I'm off to rest for now, but I can't wait to be on the road again!
Happy hauntings and happy reading!

Such an awesome weekend! Now, it's back to the grind LOL