Looking to meet up with me at a signing? My next book tour event is in Nashville, TN!
On August 17th, join me at Black Hearts. Tickets start at only $37, and there will be many talented authors there. I'll have all of my books and swag with me. (I will only be present for the signing, but there are many other awesome events! See the schedule below for more details.)
I can't wait to chat with you there! Happy hauntings and happy reading!
Schedule of Events:
Thursday, August 15th:
Meet and Greet (Free Beer and Wine 21+ @ 5 pm)
Friday, August 16th:
Black Hearts Masquerade Ball (VIP @ 7pm, General Admission @ 8 pm)
Saturday, August 17th:
Book Signing Event (VIP @ 12pm. General Admission @ 1 pm)
Sunday, August 18th:
Wrap-Up Brunch and Q&A Panel (VIP Exclusive @ 11 am)
Venue Location:
Omni Nashville Hotel
250 Rep. John Lewis Way South Nashville, TN 37203

Have fun in Nashville! :)